Monday, June 22, 2009

The Notebook

Bring back the day i met you at church November
When I thought was the start
To the end of my search...
*Bring back the day we stood in the cold November
I was wrapped in your coat
Hidden secrets were told
*Bring back the day of the 1st kiss we shared December '02
you gave me a rose
To show you cared
*Bring back the day you looked in my eyes January '03
And said first " I love you " -
To my delight and surprise
*Bring back the day when we sat by the fence May
I whispered " I love you "
And my whole world made sense...
*Bring back the day I knew you were mine June
You gave me a promise
Oh how it did shine!
*Bring back the day, when on bended knee, December 9, '07
You opened your heart
To share forever with me.
*Bring back the day I said, all will be right April 30, '08
I'll be home in 6 weeks-
And you boarded your flight.
*Bring back a day- Any One! And I swear May 19, '09
I'll give you many bring backs
To relive every year!............

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