Saturday, December 4, 2010

**You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too**

Do you realize.. just how.. RIDICULOUS that is??? I mean, the IRONY of it all.. oh blast! My Mr. Cakes.. my very own.. let me tell you about him. He is probably 5'11 - this is truly a guess, but he does tower above me in my meager 5'3.75 hight lol yes, .75- i'll take what i can get.. which seems to be my age old cry, though i've recently sworn it away in the last two years.. but i digress........ his eyes: for one must start with the soul: his eyes are a Cerulean blue, and when he is intense they are a Cobalt- often I read of the pool one could swim in when one looks into some human angels eyes.. and so it would seem for him, he's by no means an angel, unless you intend to realize that he has guided me through a dark time with God's graces, and that he continually shows me comfort in the most wonderful of ways. His pools drink in an intense determination, thoughtfulness, defiance: i don't like his defiance- i don't quite know what to do with it but laugh in it's face because arrogance, pride and selfishness do not make ANY sense except for stupidity.. and if not that, then child like simplicity is what it is, lack of knowledge to allow simple instruction in to get you to your goal... but no, that is too simple, it is too.. cheerful, positive, safe.. it's so funny how he is so stubborn at times, how he laments the fact that his luck is purely well, practically non-existent. The funny thing about luck is: you have to be open to it, you have to LET it happen to you. You block it otherwise and swear you have none- well who's going to even see the luck in life delt to them when they are looking at the empty pot of gold all of time? At least you have a pot to piss in... ah ha! i just laughed out loud! it's really quite a funny analogy... again i digress... make soup in that empty pot.. catch rain in it so you can have a nice drink of water.. options i tell you, there is a plethora of lucky options. But I digress.. he is thoughtful in the most gentleman like of ways :) sigh :)... he opens my door, makes sure I am warm, pulls out my seat, always makes sure I am comfortable, finds me at a party to touch base & enjoy my company, includes me in his boy nights: as in he calls me when he is out with them... but when i have a girls night he's quite insistent that i have one, and never calls to bother me- though it wouldn't even cross my mind as bothering me... actually he let's me come out on guy night , or at least has twice that i can think of, and it doesn't even phase him.. he needs me, and thats what is most important in my heart, to be needed: he's never said it, though it would be nice to hear, he really doesn't have to, his actions far outspeak any words i've heard by far. Actions speak louder than words.Though words are nice to hear once in a while. But see, he does that too.. he says, " Baby, you are wonderful. You are beautiful. You are darling. You can do it, you should do it, do it... " and so on... he is thoughtful. But i think that it is his determination that i really admire... so full of life and enthusiasm and dreams... but he doesn't just dream, he makes things happen, he's a go getter, a fire starter, a future comet in his own time, that someday will have another gazing up at him and wishing apon his bright tail light of achievements. to be cont'd

I want to say something on here but then feel like i can't because it has to be perfect before i post it, and so then it gets put off for so long and just gets forgotten about. Well, I'm breaking that little unspoken rule.. it's a silly one anyways, just like so many of my silly unspoken rules.. like all the ones that i hold in my head about guys .. i was completely proven wrong last summer.. which brings me to my present blogging subject... : Mr. "Cakes" we shall call him... let us start here